About Green Boston Bibb Lettuce
Green Boston Bibb Lettuce is a popular variety of lettuce that comes from the butterhead category. Just like the name suggests, lettuces in this category have a mild buttery flavor. This tender lettuce was developed by a lawyer named John Bibb at his Kentucky home in the mid-1800s.
Choose lettuce that looks alive and firm with crisp leaves and bright color. Avoid lettuce that shows signs of wilting, is blemished or slimy.
Store unwashed lettuce in a perforated bag or in an unsealed plastic bag. Alternately, you can wrap the lettuce in a damp paper towel and seal it in a zipper bag.
Wash lettuce thoroughly and dry in a salad spinner. Alternately, place washed lettuce in a tea towel, gather the loose towel ends and swing the towel sharply to drive the water off the leaves and into the towel. (Please be careful you don’t strike a family member or dinner guest.)
Boston Bibb Lettuce is high in dietary fiber as well as many nutrients – vitamins A and K, potassium, calcium, iron and folate. Due to its high water content it’s a good food to choose if you need to rehydrate.