Tom Beddard addresses the crowd at PASA’s 2013 Conference
Tom Beddard shares his start as a farmer and how his passion kept him strong at the 22nd annual Farming for the Future Conference. Tom’s passion to work out doors in all kinds of weather, working from home, not wearing a suit and tie, being his own boss is part of what drove him to the farming business. Tom said, “Walking into a warm greenhouse full of very green or red baby vegetable plants on a cold winter day and the way that greenhouse smells. The smell of moist, freshly turned, biologically active soils in spring, the sense of accomplishment when the last plants go into the field just as the rain begins to fall, that is a joy that is always hard to beat.”
Tom talked about the similarities that exist between humans and plants and how he came to realize that plants, just like people, start out as a seed, growing into little babies who need extra care and protection if they are going to grow healthy and strong into adolescence. His favorite time of any crop, is when they are at the height of their sexiness, when they are fully radiant, when their green is deep dark, their flowers are full and brightly colored and they soon show the signs that any healthy life form on earth shows, they begin to make more of themselves. As they grow through adulthood, the stresses of parenting soon begin to show, and just like people, the plants finally begin to look old and faded, but are still quite content with themselves whenever they’ve given a good crop.
Tom’s advice to new beginning farmers; Wear your sunblock, keep an eye out for the killdeer nest in your fields when you’re planing your spring crops, pay close attention to the weather, and know you are part of the bedrock that has allowed humans to go from living in the caves to traveling the galaxy all in a few thousand years! Keep planting and may most of your harvests be fruitful! Start fresh, start local, start now.