About Dandelion Greens
Dandelion is a beneficial plant that is rich in nutrients (in spite of the fact that it is sometimes considered a weed). The name dandelion comes from the French word dent-de-lion, meaning “lion’s tooth.” Dandelion greens have been used in cuisine and medicinally for thousands of years.
When shipped from the farm our dandelion greens are a vibrant green with leaves that crisp and reach lengths of 15 inches or more.
Store in the refrigerator in a tightly sealed plastic bag. When ready to use run water over your dandelion greens. Then shake gently to remove any remaining soil.
For longest storage life cut a small amount off the bottoms of the stalks to expose fresh ends. Place your greens in a large glass jar filled with water. Cover the dandelion with a plastic bag.
Dandelion is rich in many nutrients yet low in calories. In particular, it contains a good amount of fiber as well as vitamin K, vitamin A and vitamin C. Dandelion greens also contain small amounts of other vitamins and several trace minerals (like magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc).